Our wholesale website is trade only - your account will need to be approved prior to access. Don’t have an account? Click on the link below to request access:

Once your business is approved, we will then set you up with a username and login password. You can visit our wholesale website on the link below: 

PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to get access to any prices until an account is set up on the Fieldfolio website. You can only view the products we have on offer.

If you are an online store, we will require a web address or a snapshot of your proposed e-commerce site. All online store websites must be approved prior to placing the first order. Unfortunately, we do not accept any Ebay stores or re-sellers using such mediums at this time.

For Once again for wholesale enquiries, you can go through your state sales agent below or please contact us here or email us at or call us on (02) 9317 5700

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